Enter the PAMS PIN ID associated with your project. Note: A "PAMS Pin ID" includes MUN, BLOCK, LOT, and [where necessary] a QCODE. Before clicking "Run PCER Tool," any leading or trailing spaces in the fields should be trimmed. The first four (4) digits of the PAMS Pin ID are the first four (4) digits of your file number. The digits in between the first two (2) underscores are the project site BLOCK number. The digits after the first two (2) underscores are the project site LOT numbers. Example: Block 10.03, Lot 2.01 in Cape May Point, Cape May County would be 0503_10.03_2.01. If a qualification code exists for a parcel record, then the PIN would integrate the Qualification Code (QCODE) after the lot number. If there is no QCODE, there should not be an underscore placed after the lot number. Example: Block 10.03, Lot 2.01 with Qualification Code C0001 in Cape May Point, Cape May County would be 0503_10.03_2.01_C0001
You have received a file! Does NJEMS, and the "Permit Database & Transmittal" Form show that you are the Environmental Specialist or Engineer for this application?
Environmental Specialist
Do you have original, sealed copies of the engineering/site plans?
Flood Hazard Area Permitting
Waterfront Development & Coastal Wetlands Individual Permit Application
CAFRA Individual Permit Application
Coastal General Permit Application
Freshwater Wetlands General Permit and Transition Area Waivers
Freshwater Wetlands Individual Permit Application
Stormwater Management
E-LOI Application
Upland Waterfront Development
Is the project residential or non-residential?
Non-residential: Is the facility for commercial or recreation/entertainment purposes?
Commercial purposes
Recreation/entertainment purposes
Submittal requirements
Does the application include the following materials?
Method used to analyze site hydrology:
Have the following conditions been met?
Have you submitted a NSPS spreadsheet?
Does this project meet the NSPS spreadsheet points requirements?
Has a site plan been submitted with all non-structural features highlighted?
What are the existing points?
What are the proposed site points?
What are the required site points?
What are the proposed LID elements (brief verbal description of the major elements)?
Is a non-structural checklist is included?
Was an alternative analysis submitted?
Was a linear development waiver requested?
Is recharge required on this site?
Why is recharge not required on this site?
Enter your project notes here!
Was deficit based on annual rainfall?
Was the GSR-32 spreadsheet required?
Existing site's recharge volume
Total deficit for the site prior to proposed recharge structures
Does the proposed recharge consider the pre-existing recharge in the recharge area?
Was deficit based on 2-year increased flow volume?
If yes, explain how the increase in flow was infiltrated:
Existing 2 year runoff volume:
Proposed 2 year runoff volume:
Volume recharged in BMPs:
List and describe each facility that addresses recharge:
What was the field-tested soil permeability?(give a range) units
Is the design permeability half of field permeability?
Evacuation time in the BMP (<72 hours)
Is quantity control required for this job (if "No," explain)? Yes! No. N/A Enter your project notes here!
Does this project meet the required reductions? Yes! No. N/A
List and describe each facility that addresses SW quantity control:
Is water quality control required? If "No," explain why not. Yes! No. N/A Enter your project notes here!
Project meets the 80% TSS removal criteria. Yes! No. N/A
Project meets 80% TSS removal prior to discharge to an underground perforated infiltration system. Yes! No. N/A
Project meets the 95% TSS for discharge in SWRPA Yes! No. N/A
Project meets 50% TSS on redevelopment areas Yes! No. N/A
Evacuation time in the BMP ( <72 hours) hours
List and describe each facility that addresses SW quality control:
Signed and sealed operation and maintenance manual submitted?
Manual in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.8?
Responsible party name, address, phone no. Name: Address: Phone:
Is a SWRPA checklist submitted? Yes! No. N/A
Does this project meet all requirements of NJAC 7:8? Yes! No. N/A
Is project eligible for linear development waiver? Yes! No. N/A
List all items seeking a hardship Enter your project notes here!
I have completed a review of all SWM information submitted, including but not limited to calculations, plans, the SWM Checklist/Summary and other supporting information. Based upon this review, I have determined that the submitted application: satisfies the requirements of the SWM Rules, N.J.A.C. 7:13-8. does not satisfy the requirements of the SWM Rules. Therefore, this application is recommended for denial. The specific reasons to be included in the denial letter are attached to this report. Government Agency Engineering Reviewer: Engineering Supervisor: Name of the Government Agency: Date:
Do the engineering/site plans have the following attributes?:
1. Are signed and sealed by a licensed land surveyor or engineer;
2. Submitted at an appropriate scale with a "North" arrow;
3. Have a "Title Block" with the name of the preparer of the plans and the date;
4. Show all existing structures on the site and on all immediate adjacent lots;
5. Show all proposed structures, disturbances, and activities;
6. Show the limits of regulated areas such as: wetlands, transition areas, riparian zones, the mean high water line (MHWL), dunes, etc.
7. All metes and bounds on the site.
I have the original, sealed copies of the engineering plans.
Click the "Yes!" option under STEP 2.
Request the sealed originals from the Applicant. Include the following boilerplate language:
Applicant has been notified.
Annotate these changes to the Application under Activity Tracking in NJEMS.
I have the copies of the engineering plans.
Do the sealed, original engineering plans match what is noted in the "Project Description" section of the associated application?
I have notified Vickie, Supervisors of Database, ASU, and Manager of Tech Services.
Annotate these changes to the application under Activity Tracking in NJEMS
Are all required signatures completed? A checklist of the required signatures can be found at V:\lum\LUR\asu pre review\sop's
I have the original, signed documents.
Click the "Yes!" option under STEP 5.
I have copies of the original, signed documents.
Request for the originals has been sent to the Applicant.
Does GIS show that any part of the project is within the Pinelands, Highlands, or Meadowlands? Some geographic regions in NJ are regulated by other agencies and/or have more strict regulations than those enforced by DLUR. Use the State Plan layer on ArcGIS (found in the DEP Data toolbox) to determine if your site falls in Highlands Preservation Area, Pinelands Preservation Area, or Meadowlands Jurisdiction. Using the "State Plan Layer" you can determine what planning area the site is in. This information is also used for determining if older permits or LOIs onsite qualify for the Permit Extension Act (PEA).
Continue to Step 7.
Click the "Continue to Step 7." option under STEP 6.
I have returned the application with a refund request form, and a top sheet directing the applicant where the application should be submitted.
Does the total fee received match the total fees for the permits/authorizations that have been marked on the application form?
Continue to Step 8.
I have notified ASU, my Supervisor, and the Applicant.
Is the fee breakdown that is shown on the "Fee Calculation Sheet" accurate? The maximum application fee (cap) for either an Upland or In-Water Waterfront Development Application is $30,000 per permit type. For example: if you are applying for both an upland and an in-water Waterfront Development, the maximum fee is applied to each permit for a maximum total of $60,000, plus any applicable stormwater review fee. There is no "cap" for a Coastal Wetlands permit. NJDEP and Port Authority NJ/NY do not pay fees for these types of applications (Memo dated 5/12/1982). Other fee agreements can be found at V:\lum\LUR\asu pre review\sop's
Continue to Step 9.
I have notified ASU, my supervisor, and the Applicant.
Do you have a copy of the most up-to-date Checklist/s for the type of Permit/s requested? Checklists can be found at V:\lum\LUR\asu pre review\sop's
Continue to Step 10.
I have received the missing materials.
Click the "Continue to Step 10." option under STEP 9.
Does the application have a USGS quad map, street map, and a letter-sized (8.5 x 11") map with the project site CLEARLY outlined, to scale, on each map?
Continue to Step 11.
I have received the missing materials from Engineering, my Supervisor, or ASU.
Click the "Continue to Step 11." option under STEP 10.
I have notified the Applicant that they must submit the missing materials.
Annotate these changes to the application under Activity Tracking in NJEMS.
Does the application have at least four (4) unique, color photos that show all variety of conditions on the site? (Note: The photographs shall also show any sections of channel or riparian zone that will be disturbed by the project.)
Annotate these changes to the Application under Activity Tracking in NJEMS. Once you receive the missing materials, click the "Yes!" option under STEP 11.
Does the application have proof of Public Notice to the following entities?
1. Municipal Clerk (must receive a copy of the ENTIRE application);
2. Municipal Planning Board;
3. Municipal Construction Official;
4. Municipal Environmental Commission (if any);
5. County Planning Board, and;
6. All adjacent neighbors within 200 feet of the project site (this requires validation via a certified list obtained from the municipal tax assessor's office)
Annotate these changes to the Application under Activity Tracking in NJEMS. Once you receive the missing materials, click the "Yes!" option under STEP 12.
Does the application have a Compliance Statement, which demonstrates that the proposed project meets all applicable criteria for the specific permit/s for which applied?
Annotate these changes to the Application under Activity Tracking in NJEMS. Once you receive the missing materials, click the "Yes!" option under STEP 13.
What is the type of application?
Highlands Exemption Application (HAD)
Does the application have the following?:
1. A copy of the "Permit & Database Transmittal" with their name highlighted;
2. A copy of the application form;
3. Two (2) copies of the submitted project plans;
4. A copy of the environmental report;
5. A copy of the application report;
6. The NJ Heritage Letter
I have the materials.
Click the "Yes!" option under FHA: STEP 1.
Flood Hazard Area (FHA): STEP 2.
Click the following link to review any applicable code and regulations.
You can use the [embedded] notepad to document items relevant to your review!
Continue to STEP 3.
Open your file number in NJEMS and do the following:
1. Click on Activity Tracking, under the [pending] FHA application. Enter today's date for "PM Start Technical Review".
2. Check that the X/Y coordinates of the site and lot and block are accurate in NJEMS.
3. FHA application deadlines (45th or 90th day) should be identified and clearly labeled on the pre-review sheet and on the front cover of the file.
4. Search the file number in NJEMS to see if there are any previously issued determinations, authorizations, or violations onsite.
5. If historical aerials show that there was development onsite that may have needed wetlands authorizations, you can check Paradox, which contains information for authorizations prior to 2002. Otherwise, continue to Flood Hazard Area (FHA): STEP 4. to conduct ArcGIS review.
Continue to Flood Hazard Area (FHA): STEP 4: ArcGIS Review.
Continue to Paradox.
1. Enter your login info.
2. Click on Documents on the left hand side.
3. Expand the Public Documents tab on the left hand side. Navigate down to Land Use and expand. Open Paradox.
4. Choose your search method under the Title list. Searching by block-lot and county-municipality or by file number are the easiest ways to find your site. Enter the site information and click "run request". If there are approvals on the site, a report will be generated which details the file number, site location, permit type, owner, and program manager. Use this information to locate the file if necessary.
5. Once you've completed this section of the review, select "Continue to Flood Hazard Area (FHA): STEP 4: ArcGIS Review." under "Flood Hazard Area (FHA): STEP 3. "
Open ArcGIS. A layer file containing all the data needed to conduct permit pre-review can be found at V:\lum\LUR\Pre-Review-Templates. (You can also use USGS Topoquads found in the "Imagery" category in DEP Data.)
1. Enter the site X/Y coordinates and turn on the Parcels (block and lot) layer. Zoom-to your site.
2. USE ArcGIS and Pictometry to look at the land use over the last few decades. If there has been a change of land use without permit authorization, there may be potential for Land Use Enforcement action.
3. Apply the "Stream Network 2002" layer to check if a feature falls within your site or use the measure tool to see if a feature is within 300 feet.
4. Apply the "Surface Water Quality Standards" layer. Expand the table of contents to view the color coding system.
5. Apply the "Watersheds (DEPHUC14)" layer to see the water quality standards of the entire watershed. Identify the layer to see the name of the Watershed and Sub-watershed.
Is there a Water feature onsite or within 300'?
Continue to Threatened and Endangered Species.
Determine if the water feature drains more than 50 acres: TIP: It is only necessary to check stream stats when there is a small headwater stream or ditch onsite and the 50 acre threshold is essential to determine if FHA regulations will apply. Use your best judgement of the location of the site in the watershed to determine if stream stats needs to be consulted or not. Sometimes stream stats is consulted AFTER a field visit when a feature is encountered that wasn't obvious on GIS.
1. Use USGS Stream Stats to check if the water feature drains over 50 acres.
2. Document your findings from Stream Stats in your Application Review Form. Continue to Riparian Zones, below.
Riparian zones are determined by geology of the site, presence of threatened and endangered species downstream, and surface water quality standards of the watershed.
All features draining more than 50 acres are regulated and have an associated flood hazard area and riparian zone.
Features draining less than 50 acres are regulated if the feature is not a ditch and has a defined bed and bank. These features do not have a flood hazard area, but do have a riparian zone.
Does the site have a riparian zone?
Annotate these conditions in your file notes.
Select "Continue to Threatened & Endangered Species" under STEP 4.
Determine the riparian zone:
300': Category One (C1) waters and all upstream tributaries within the same HUC14.
150': Trout production waters and all upstream waters; Trout maintenance waters and all upstream waters within one linear mile; waters flowing through an area with acid producing soils; and waters with critically dependent T&E species (see note).
50': All other regulated features
Document your findings in your Application Review Form. Continue to Threatened & Endangered (T&E) Species determination.
Check for Threatened and Endangered (T&E) species.
Check Landscape Project 3.3 layer on GIS: Some habitats are ranked 3, 4, or 5 for species that are not dependent on wetlands, and these do not require a review by the T&E unit. For a list of these species, see the document titled "T&E species ranks regarding potential impacts from groundwater draw down" found at V:\lum\LUR\Pre-review Resources\FWW Resources. Species ranked N/A are not wetland dependent and do not require a review by the T&E unit. Species ranked 3, 2, or 1, are potentially affected by changes in hydrology and therefore a review needs to be sent to the T&E unit. Properties within areas ranked 1 or 2 do not feature documented habitat and no further endangered or threatened species review is required.
1. Apply the Landscape Project 3.3 layer for the appropriate region (Atlantic Coastal, Piedmont Plains, Delaware Bay, etc.) as found in the DEP data bar.
2. Use the Identify tool on segment(s) over the project site and adjacent properties. Check for Land Use Rank (LNDR) with a rating of 3 or above.
3. Identify the species of concern.
Check for T&E plants:If potential T&E habitat is identified and it is determined that a T&E review is required, follow the procedure below based on the type of application being reviewed. If there are overlapping permit types (such as FHA with FWW or CAFRA with FWW), then the follow the instructions for the FHA or CAFRA permit.
1. Apply the Natural Heritage Plant Grid GIS Layer (grid).
2. Use the Identify tool to see which plants are listed in the grid.
Does ArcGIS identify potential habitat on the site or within a mile downstream (as determined with Natural Heritage Program Letter), for which a T&E review is required?
Continue to STEP 6.
Check the Natural Heritage Program Letter (NHP) to see if there are Critically Dependent Species on Water Courses on the site or within a mile. JSTIP: Note for NHP Letter
Open the file in NJEMS:
1. Select the appropriate activity and hit "Create New Document."
2. Under "Type," select "Word Processing."
3. From the list of Word Processing templates, select "T&E Form FHA."
Remember to add the "date permit was received", "date you sent the review to T&E." The 45th (GP) or 90th (IP) day deadline date should be clearly visible in large lettering on the form so the T&E staff knows to prioritize. Make sure that all permits with the application are noted. (sometimes the automated document does not populate all this information on the form) 4. Fill out form and print one copy. Save form to NJEMS.
5. Activity Tracking: Add Row, select "Group Task" box, and select "T&E Species Habitat Review" from the drop down. Assign "PM Send T&E Review to T&E" unit to yourself. Assign all other tasks to appropriate T&E staff for your region.
Deliver the review package to the T&E Unit (baskets sorted by permit type and geographic region located outside T&E unit cube area) containing:
I have sent the information to T&E.
Select "Continue to STEP 6" under Flood Hazard Area (FHA): STEP 5.
The entire project should be evaluated to determine if major development criteria are met. If the project proposes more than an acre of total disturbance or more than a quarter acre of new impervious within wetlands and transition area, a stormwater review is warranted.
Do the proposed activities create more than 0.25 acres of new impervious surface or disturb more than one acre of land? Projects that create more than 0.25 acres of new impervious surface or disturb more than one acre of land are considered a "major development" and are subject to a stormwater management review by DLUR Engineers.
Continue to STEP 7.
EPA Jurisdiction:
Check the proposed project for the following:
Discharge with potential for affecting endangered or threatened species.
Discharges of dredged or fill material which have the potential for adverse impacts on the waters of a state other than New Jersey;
Discharges known or suspected to contain toxic pollutants, hazardous substances, toxic substances, or hazardous waste;
Discharges located in the proximity of a public water supply intake;
Discharges within critical areas established under state or Federal law; including but not limited to:
The filling of five or more acres of freshwater wetlands or State open waters and/or any regulated activity which results in significant reductions in the ecological, commercial, or recreational values or five or more acres of freshwater wetlands or State open waters;
Culvert enclosures of more than 100 feet
Channelization or more than 500 feet of a river or stream;
Cutting more than 5 acres of trees in wetlands for airport site line clearing.
Does the proposed project have any of the above characteristics?
Continue to STEP 8.
Wrap Up:
1. In Activity Tracking, whoever fills out the pre-review checklist (PRO or pre-reviewer) should assign "Start Technical Review" and "End Technical Review" to themselves and add the appropriate date.
2. Add the checklist to NJEMS as a Blank Word Document (title the document "Pre Review.")
3. If the pre-review PRO is not the lead reviewer on the project, then the file should be delivered to the lead reviewer with the checklist attached to the left side of the folder.
Using LetterBuilder in NJEMS, begin writing the FHA Environmental Report. If the application contains more than the FHA, restart/refresh this page and check them accordingly.
A copy of the Compliance Statement, which must address the Rules on Coastal Zone Management (N.J.A.C. 7:7);
Project plans, which includes;
Click the "Yes!" option under WFD: STEP 1.
The Waterfront Development & Coastal Wetlands Individual Permit portion of the application is administratively complete!
Click the following button to reference the applicable code and regulations (a new browser tab will open).
1. Click on Activity Tracking, under the [pending] application. Enter today's date for "PM Start Technical Review".
3. Application deadlines (45th or 90th day) should be identified and clearly labeled on the pre-review sheet and on the front cover of the file.
5. If historical aerials show that there was development onsite that may have needed wetlands authorizations, you can check Paradox, which contains information for authorizations prior to 2002. Otherwise, continue to STEP 4. to conduct ArcGIS review.
Continue to STEP 4: ArcGIS Review.
Select "Continue to STEP 6" under WFD & Coastal Wetlands: STEP 5.
To determine if the site has EPA priority wetlands, check the proposed project for the following:
Use the GIS Layer found at V:\lum\LUR\GIS_Data\ EPA_Priority_Wetlands.lyr
Use the Identify tool to see information, including caveats for wetlands that may fall in the geographic area but are excluded from the EPA priority.
Use the DEP Data Soils (SSURGO) View layer to determine the soils that are mapped onsite.
Continue to United States Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) Review
Check Activity Tracking to see if a USFWS review request has been sent by ASU. If not, then the following screening should be done.
To determine whether the pending wetland permit requires USFWS review, use the "Two-Way Memorandum USFWS/NJDEP Freshwater Wetlands Permit Application Review" form found in V:\lum\LUR\Pre-Review Resources\Transmittal Sheets.
If the permit is listed in the memorandum, and the project proposes disturbance to wetlands (not just transition area), and the municipality is listed in the packet, a USFWS review is required. The PRO should create a package containing:
Place in the bin labeled USFW Review (North or South) located next to the T&E Unit.
In NJEMS, complete the following in activity tracking:
1. Add row, select group task, and select "Pre-review Send USFWS In-House Review to T&E."
2. Assign the "Pre-review Send USFWS In-House Review to T&E" task to yourself and add date requested, Assign the other tasks to Karena DiLeo and leave the dates blank.
Continue to State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) Review
Use ArcGIS layers to identify any areas of historic value:
Select the layer "Historic Preservation Data." Please be sure to check each of the sublayers under this layer (click on plus and check each of the four sublayers including Historic District, Historic Fill, Historic Site, and Historic Archeological Site Grid.) If any of these layers intersect the project site, then a SHPO review is required.
If the project site exceeds 20 acres in size and includes a permanent water body (for example wetlands, pond, lake, river or perennial stream) or is located within 250 feet of a permanent water body; or
If the proposed projects includes a new, replacement, reconstructed, or rehabilitated bridge or culvert, a SHPO review is required.
A State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) Review is required.
No State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) Review is required.
If a SHPO review is required, fill out the LURP Permit Application Transmittal Form and include the following:
Deliver the package to the SHPO secretary at 501 East State St 4th Floor southwest corner or to the SHPO mail box bin the lunchroom.
In NJEMS, the following should be completed in activity tracking:
1. Add row, select group task, select SHPO referral.
2. Assign "Request Comments from SHPO" and "Receive SHPO comments" to yourself and add date requested.
Continue to check CAFRA
Use the ArcGIS CAFRA layer to check if your site falls within the CAFRA zone. If any of the following conditions apply, a CAFRA permit is required:
1. Check here if the project is located on a beach or dune.
2. Check here if the project is within 150 feet and the first use landward of the MHWL and/or beach or dune.
3. Check here if the project is a public development (landfills, sewer plants, highways, utility lines, airport)
4. Check here if the project is an industrial development (power plant, manufacturing, factory, mining)
5. Check here if the project within 500 feet of the MHWL and proposes 25 or more residential units or 50 or more parking spaces. If yes, then a CAFRA permit is generally required. The exception occurs when the project occurs within a "qualifying municipality." which can be determined by checking the latest list at http://www.state.nj.us/dca/divisions/dlgs/resources/stateaidinfo.shtml. If the project municipality is listed, then the threshold for CAFRA jurisdiction is different and can be as much as 75 or more residential units or 150 or more parking spaces. Please see N.J.A.C. 7:7-2.2(a)3 and 4 for more information.
The exception occurs when the project occurs within a "qualifying municipality."
Check for "qualifying municipality."
From the first drop down, select "Urban Aid Eligibility."
Select the current fiscal year from the second drop down.
Is the project municipality listed?
Use the ArcGIS "1970 Wetland Basemaps" layer to determine if your site has coastal wetlands. The basemap can be found in the DEP data bar under "imagery" labeled as "1970 Wetlands Basemap".
Is there a mapped vegetation unit shown on the site?
Continue to STEP 14.
1. Make sure there is a copy of the tideland's instrument for all work on natural waterways. They need to at least submit proof that they have sent a letter or a request of tideland's interest. Show limits of Tidelands boundary on plans if license, lease, or grant is in effect.
Continue to: Wrap Up
a. If they request or plans show a bulkhead being replaced out shore of an existing bulkhead on a man made waterways they can not apply for a GP14. (It is an IP.)
b. All Bulkhead replacements on man made waterways using a GP14 must be rip out and replacements.
c. Bulkhead replacement on natural waterways may be placed a maximum of 24" out under the GP14; but if there is any docks, piers or boatlifts requested all activities are reviewed under an IP.
d. If you are connecting bulkheads on either side of your property with a new bulkhead on a property that never had a bulkhead on any kind of waterway and the bulkhead is going at or above the MHWL the permit is a GP10.
e. On a man made waterway if you are replacing the bulkhead and replacing or adding a dock or other structure in water they need two permits GP14 and GP19. This is an example of when there is NO fee discount
f. On a natural waterway if they are proposing any work below the MHWL all activities (i.e. docks, piers, boatlifts, and Jet Ski lifts) require an IP.
g. All applications on Man Made Waterway go to the GP unit whether it is a GP or IP.
h. All GP applications on Natural Waterways go to the GP Unit
i. All IP applications on Natural Waterways go to the Project Manager of that town unless in an Urban Growth area. In the Urban Growth area all IP's for docks and piers are assigned to Chris Jones and he will reassign them. All other type of work in Urban Growth area that requires any type of waterfront IP goes to the Urban Growth project manager assigned to that town.
j. Work for areas upland of the mean high water line in the area of CAFRA jurisdiction is regulated under CAFRA. Work in an upland of a MHWL outside of CAFRA area (i.e. on the Hudson River) work would require an waterfront IP-Upland.
k. No one can apply for a waterfront coastal GP and a Waterfront IP for work on the same site. All work must be approved under the IP. They could apply for a CAFRA coastal GP and a Waterfront IP. I.E. CAFRA GP 9 to rebuild a house and a Waterfront Development In-Water IP.
l. There are two different types of COASTAL GP's. The waterfront GP's are for work not requiring an IP taking place waterward of the MHWL. There are also Coastal GP's under CAFRA these are for work Upland of the MHWL in the CAFRA area or out of the CAFRA area. This is confusing mistake made when the types of GP's were being assigned in NJEMS. Until we create a new Class Code in NJEMS for coastal GP's we will have this confusion.
m. Ensure waterway is actually a man made lagoon and NOT a man-altered waterway. This would kick the project into an IP and the GP unit doesn't always check. A natural waterway usually has water flowing through it. If the only flow is tide going up and down it is usually man made or man altered. Man altered like the Cape May canal needs IP's not GP's. In IMAP pull up the location of the property and using the tidelands layer you can check if the water body is claimed by tidelands then it is natural if unclaimed it is man made.
n. If an applicant built a home before CAFRA II 1996 they can subdivide and apply for a GP8 to build a new home. If the home was built or rebuilt under a GP after CAFRA II the second home needs a CAFRA IP.
o. All GP's for reconstruction of a single family home if on a dune or along first house on atlantic ocean show be assigned to regions.
Select "Continue to STEP 6" under CAFRA IP: STEP 5.
The pre-review portion for your Coastal General Permit Application is administratively complete!
Select "Continue to STEP 6" under CAFRA GP: STEP 5.
n. If an applicant built a home before CAFRA II 1996 they can subdivide and apply for a GP8 to build a new home. If the home was built or rebuilt under a GP after CAFRA II the second home needs a CAFRA GP.
The Freshwater Wetlands GP and Transition Area Waivers portion of the application is administratively complete!
Select "Continue to STEP 6" under Freshwater Wetlands GP and Transition Area Waivers STEP 5.
The Freshwater Wetlands Individual Permit portion of the application is administratively complete!
Select "Continue to STEP 6" under Freshwater Wetlands IP STEP 5.
An exemption for HAD from a qualifying municipality;If you need to check if a project has received an exemption for HAD from a qualifying municipality, please see the link below which is located on the Council Website. They update it everyday so it is most current.
General Highlands Applicant Information (3-page application);
A Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP);
I have finished my review.
Dear (Agent Name), The Department is in the process of reviewing ( include DLUR File #), an application for (Application Type/s) for Re: (Applicant's Name and project location). In order for the Department to return a positive response for this application, please submit (submit/revise) the following additional information: 1. An exemption for HAD from a qualifying municipality; 2. General Highlands Applicant Information (3-page application); 3. A Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP); If you choose to (submit/revise) the following additional information, please do so by (a date 2 to 3 weeks from the date of this message) or a decision will be made on the application as it currently exists. If you have any questions, you can reach me here, or at (Permit Writer's desk phone number). Thank you, (Permit Writer's Signature)
The E-LOI portion of the application is administratively complete!
Schedule a date for a site visit.